Home > Products > Vlies
Part.Nr 42006
- Closes tightly - so that no paint, water oder liqids can get trough
- Stickts - so that the Vlies can not move around and therefore prevents from accidents
- Protects - so that the floor is best protected
Technical Data |
Material | Vlies made out of Polyester, upeer
side withPE-foil for fluid break down side with anti-skidding coating |
Dimensions | 1 m x 50 m |
Weight | ca. 160g/m2 |
Used for | Ceramic, Carpet |
Verlegehinweis | Please observe the instructions of the designated
vendors when protecting fresh sealed or oild floors >> Product sheet: |
RELE Austria GmbH
Relegasse 2
A-1190 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0)1 318 02 83
Fax.: +43 (0)1 318 02 83 DW 20